Aaron & Julia Mills
Aaron and Julia Mills have led Westgate Vineyard Church for the past eight years, nurturing a community where people can encounter Jesus in ways that are real and life-giving. With a young family that keeps them on their toes, they know that God doesn’t wait for perfect moments—He meets us right in the middle of it all.
They have a deep longing to see more of God’s Kingdom breaking in, yet they know transformation is often slow—a journey of learning to walk with Jesus through the beauty and struggles of real life. For them, the Kingdom of God isn’t just a future hope—it’s here, now, bringing healing, freedom, and renewal. They have a heart for emotional and spiritual health, helping people grow in wholeness as they follow Jesus. They believe church should be a place where everyone is seen, known, and truly belongs. More than anything, they love walking alongside others as they discover Jesus—His love, His presence, and the way He changes everything.
The WVC Elders are a group of leaders who are charged with the responsibility to direct the pastoral & spiritual affairs of the church (eg. pastoral care, teaching, loving correction, prayer and support for the Lead Pastors). It is also a shepherding role, where they are charged with the care of the community – to help, equip and lead.
They gather monthly to centre themselves around Jesus to discern his will for the community—spending time in worship and prayer, listening for what God is doing in our midst, and discern what He is inviting us to.
This group of people serve Westgate Vineyard Church by taking care of the legal and financial affairs of our incorporated entity. Meeting quarterly.
Read WVC’s constitution here.